Adoption not possible after earthquake | News item

News item | 16-02-2023 | 09:58

The images and reports about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria evoke the need to mean something to the children who lost their parents as a result of the disaster.

People wonder if it is possible to adopt a child who has lost its parents so that the child can grow up in a loving family. Although this need is conceivable, it is not possible to adopt children from disaster areas. The risk of careless procedures, in which it is not possible to determine whether the children are actually adoptable and whether the child has been properly renounced, is high. It will therefore always be necessary, even in the event of natural disasters, to look for family members in their own country first. These searches take up a lot of time, especially in disaster areas. The international principles also prescribe that no adoptions should take place from disaster areas.
