Adopt a dog or cat from shelters and kennels, a site brings them together

RThe refuges, kennels and cat shelters host something like 17,600 dogs and almost 40,000 cats in Italy. Pelosi who almost always have a difficult history behind them. So many of them have been adopted in the midst of the pandemic and then returned to the sender when family rhythms returned to normal: in 2022 alone, there were over 57,000 children abandoned animals for irresponsible purchases or inability to maintain and cure them. The fact is that they are still there, waiting for a new owner and a new family that can welcome them. Hopefully, with greater awareness of those who had decided to adopt a dog or cat and then abandon it. They are still there but…how to reach them? How to find the right one?

Adopt a dog or a cat: yes but how to find them?

To find the furry friend, puppy or not, that best suits your lifestyle, shelters and associations that deal with animals can be contacted directly. As Oipa or Enpa. But from today there is one more tool: it’s called QuattroZampeinFamily, a search engine that offers free visibility to dogs and cats of all Italian facilities by grouping them in a single site.

Every dog ​​and every cat is told through a detailed presentation sheet full of photos. Those who want to adopt can use a practical search filter that allows them to quickly and effectively identify all the dogs and cats that meet their needs and lifestyle. You can filter by age, gender, size, race but also indicate if there are children or elderly people in the adopting family or other four-legged animals with which the newcomer – or newcomer – will have to live.

Damiano David and Giorgia Soleri adopt an abused cat: «Here is Ziggy Stardust»

A conscious adoption against abandonment

Timely research and the ability to indicate your preferences and needs aims at facilitate an aware and responsible adoption that avoids – ideally eliminates – painful returns of the animals to the structures. In other words: abandon.

All the associations, kennels and catteries (farms and private individuals are excluded) that they want to offer one more adoption opportunity its guests, free of charge, are invited to register. The search engine does not in any way act as an intermediary between the structure itself and potential adopters. In fact, people find in the presentation cards of the individual animals all the references to contact the host structure and follow the adoption process in agreement with the operators.

The founder of QuattroZampeinFamiglia

The site was founded by Loredana Verga, consultant for various international companies and animal lover. In the aftermath of the loss of Gloria, her 8-year-old rottweiler, closely followed by the two cats she had lived with for almost 20 years, she decided to look for a way to help people experience the joy that the relationship with animals he gave to her.

He says: «Welcoming a four-legged into the family is one of the most exciting and exciting adventures you can experienceboth for them and for ourselves. Consciously adopting had to be easier, faster and more intuitive».

