Adjusting the brightness of the phone: the automatic may consume the battery

Automatic brightness control can drain your phone’s battery.

Turning off automatic brightness control can save battery life. Janiko Kemppi

Automatic screen brightness adjustment is a familiar feature in phones, where the screen brightness is changed according to the lighting. In a bright environment, the brightness of the screen is increased, making it easier to read the screen, while in a dark environment, the brightness is decreased.

It’s a handy feature, but it can drain the battery faster and sometimes it can be a burden when the sensor doesn’t necessarily work in the best possible way. If you move outside and use the phone a lot, the phone may set the screen brightness to full, which consumes more power during prolonged use.

For the discerning user, it may be good to turn off automatic brightness, which is usually activated by default. Often keeping the screen brightness at about halfway can be a good solution. You also get used to the dimmer screen quickly.

However, turning off automatic brightness may require adjusting the brightness manually, for example at night. Fortunately, this is made easy with the pull-down menu at the top.

This is how you disable automatic adjustment

If you want to disable the automatic adjustment of screen brightness, you should go to the phone’s settings. The settings may vary depending on the phone manufacturer, and on some phones the automatic adjustment can be turned off directly from the brightness control bar.

  1. Open the phone settings.
  2. choose Display.
  3. Find the point Brightnesswhich has its own choice for brightness adjustment or adaptive brightness.
  4. Deselect the brightness control.

If you can’t find the right settings, use the settings search field and write, for example, “display” or “brightness”.

After going through these settings, you can change the screen brightness to your liking. Experiment with which brightness serves you best.
