Adjusted round of STAP budget starting September 18 | News item

News item | 04-09-2023 | 13:35

The STAP budget will continue in an adjusted form for the rest of 2023. The counter will open again from 18 September. In response to a motion in the House of Representatives, the experiences with previous rounds and the cuts in the STAP budget, the remaining resources are being used more specifically. This subsidy can therefore only be applied for (parts of) OCW-recognised programmes. As a result, fewer courses are available than in the previous rounds, but they are more in line with the labor market. The budget for the coming application period is €10 million. Anyone interested can apply for up to 1,000 grants for training and development. A next round will start on November 15.

Minister Van Gennip: “The need for lifelong development remains great. There are major social challenges facing the Netherlands, such as climate and care. Well-trained people are needed for this. The new round of the STAP budget will therefore be more targeted. used for crucial shortage sectors such as healthcare, technology and the process industry. The STAP budget offers the opportunity to improve your position on the labor market through training. It is important that people have control over their own development, I will continue to work for that. “


The decision to only offer OCW-recognized programs follows in part after a motion passed in the House of Representatives. The programs recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science are aimed at a profession and have a statutory quality framework. By only offering these courses, the government wants to use the remaining STAP budget more specifically for training courses that prepare for the labor market. The offer can be found via the training register of the application portal ( or easily accessible via Learning In addition to full multi-year courses, components such as certificates and minors will also be offered.
