Adele stopped her concert several times to help a panicked fan

Adele’s performance at the concert has garnered praise from fans.

Singer Adele, 34, recently performed in London for the first time in a public concert since the release of her latest album. However, Adele had to interrupt her concert to help a panicked fan in the audience, reported the US magazine People, among other things.

In the video shot at the concert, you can see how the singer asks his band to stop and sends the orderlies to check the situation in the audience.

In November 2021, Adele released new music after a long time. PDO

According to news site Page Six, there were fans in Adele’s audience who needed medical attention. Adele is said to have also sent water to the spectators who had been standing in the front row for several hours.

Adele’s considerate actions have received a lot of praise from fans.

– Big respect to Adele for stopping the show and organizing help when she saw that someone was in trouble and needed it. There were over 65,000 people in the audience and he still did it, one viewer wrote on Twitter.

Adele released her fourth album in November 30. The artist has had to cancel several of his performances due to the challenges caused by the corona pandemic.

Adele is known, among other things, for her hit songs Hello and Rolling In The Deep.

She divorced her long-term spouse and the father of her child Simon from Konecki in April 2019. The divorce took effect in March 2021.

The singer’s current partner is Rich Paulwho is known as the world’s biggest basketball star LeBron James’s as an agent.
