Adele about canceled Las Vegas shows: “I was ashamed for months” | Celebrities

CelebritiesAdele found it very difficult to cancel her shows in Las Vegas earlier this year. For months, the singer walked around with a feeling of guilt, she says in the magazine ‘Elle’.

See also: Adele back on stage after cancellation of Las Vegas concerts.

“The first months it was very difficult. I was ashamed. But my confidence grew because it was a very brave thing to do,” says Adele. “I don’t think many people would have done what I did. I am proud to have stood up for my artistic needs.”

Adele rarely uses her Twitter and Instagram accounts, nor does she know her own passwords. Shortly after the shows canceled, she decided to create a secret account to view the reactions to it. However, the reactions were quite critical and negative, so she decided to delete the account again. “I was ashamed and went to hide myself.”


The 34-year-old singer also decided to stop promoting her new album ‘3’0 due to the cancellation of the shows. She didn’t want people to think that canceling the shows didn’t concern her. That is why there is now also a video clip for one of the songs on the shelf. “I didn’t want people to think I wasn’t doing my best. Because I did.”

Adele announced a day before the start of her first Las Vegas show that all 24 shows were canceled. Some of her crew members had corona. Partly because of that, it was not possible to put on a good show. The singer said she was “devastated” by the decision. All shows will be overtaken by the end of this year and eight new ones will be added.


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