Additional application center for asylum seekers will be established in Bant | news item

News item | 06-07-2022 | 10:37

A location has been found for an additional application center in Bant. State Secretary Eric van der Burg wrote this to the House of Representatives today. The land on which the application center is to be located has been purchased by the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Today COA submitted an official request to the Municipal Executive of the Noordoostpolder municipality for the development of an application center.

State Secretary Van der Burg:

‘Very good that a suitable location has been found for an additional registration centre. With this we are taking an important step in better spreading the pressure on asylum reception in the Netherlands. That is desperately needed, especially for Ter Apel. Now it is important to get started quickly with the realization of the application center and the associated permitting procedures. In the meantime, we are continuing to look for more application centers and reception locations on the one hand and we are working on making the influx and outflow manageable on the other. In this way we work step by step towards a robust, stable and sustainable reception landscape and asylum policy.’

Additional application center

An additional application center can be built on the purchased plot in Bant, where asylum seekers go through the first steps of their procedure. This adds a 4 . on top of Ter Apel, Budel and Zevenaar (for family travel).e location with registration options. In the first instance, the location in Bant will concern the process steps regarding identification and registration and medical checks. About 250 to 300 reception places are provided for asylum seekers who go through this part of the asylum process.


Now that COA has submitted a formal request to the municipality for the realization of the application centre, it is important to reach an agreement in close consultation with the municipality. In the coming period, intensive consultations will therefore take place with the Municipal Executive and the municipal council of the Noordoostpolder municipality about the elaboration of the application center.
