Ada Parellada and Núria Burgada will “correct” in the solidarity race for nature

03/10/2023 at 16:14


The popular cook will do a section of the Ultra Clean Marathon with the team of ambassadors of the race with Joan Morales, director of the magazine “Descobrir Catalunya” and the eco-adventurer Albert Bosch

Núria Burgada, coordinator of the educational project of the Kilian Jornet Foundation, and mother of the runner and skier, will lead the team that will present the entity

Today, There are already 23 teams that have registered to tour the Barcelona region of Osona on March 18 in the fifth edition of the Ultra Clean Marathon, during which the ‘correcogedores’ will remove the waste that is found from the environment on the tour.

Some well-known faces from different fields have wanted to demonstrate their involvement in the sustainable and supportive philosophy of the event.

This is the case of the cook Ada Parellada, always involved in sustainability projects related to food, who will carry out the second section between Manlleu and Tavèrnoles as a member of the team of UCM Urbaser ambassadors, accompanied by Joan Morales, director of the magazine “Discover Catalonia & rdquor; and the eco-adventurer Albert Bosch.

Besides, Núria Burgada, coordinator of the educational project of the Kilian Jornet Foundation and mother of the popular runner and skier, will lead the team that will present the entity, which is holding a raffle on social networks to designate the rest of the ecorunners. Kilian Jornet already promoted participation in the race in the 2019 edition with another video on Facebook.

The same has been done this year by the FC Barcelona striker born in Borgonyà, Bruna Vilamala, and the popular sommelier and communicator, Meritxell Falgueras. Both urge to ‘correct’ by nature on their respective Instagram profiles.

Right now, several teams have signed up for this year’s edition that will repeat the experience:

Awareness for the planet, Gili Trail, La Energía del Pirineo (Peusa), MCI Runner Club, Salomon Spain, Consorcio del Besòs, Escuelas Vedruna and Urbaser, sponsor of the event. #AccionaTEAM will debut this year, Alier, Tradebe, Club Tennis Sabadell, Set de correr, Custodia Playas, Salle Girona and the Killian Jornet Foundation.

Ultra Clean Marathon is a sustainable and supportive race. In the last edition, 23 teams participated, which removed 550 kg of waste from the environment and raised €15,500 for conservation projects of forests, rivers and the seabed of environmental entities that work in Catalonia.
