Actor Timo Lavikainen, who suffered from financial difficulties, is studying a new field

Timo Lavikainen stars in the new Arctic Heroes 4 movie.

Actor Timo Lavikainen, 48, was in a difficult situation a few years ago. Among other things, the actor seen in Putousi suffered from a lack of roles, which led to financial difficulties.

Lavikainen therefore had to make a living elsewhere, which is when he ended up working in a warehouse. The situation was further complicated by the cancellation of theater performances caused by corona.

Things are looking much better now. One to be released soon Heroes of the Arctic Circle 4 -of the stars of the movie has toured Pasi Karpin presenting with Man to man a play called

Timo Lavikainen has started a new territorial conquest. Pete Anikari

– I never found the situation so difficult, because I’m used to doing other things. Acting is a similar type of work. Many times people think that there is a certain glamour, says Lavikainen.

However, a change in the work situation is more than welcome.

– It’s a positive thing, because I’m so lazy. You don’t have to go to work so often, when you luckily earn a little more from these jobs. At the same time, I have more free time. You don’t have to think much about what to use that time for when you have two small children at home.


The actor, who is used to many professions, has started a new conquest of territory. Lavikainen is currently studying to become a batch guide. With these prospects, the studies will end in the middle of next year.

– It has been my long-term dream. I like spending time in the forest. I thought it would be good to have a profession at this point in life. I don’t know if I will ever make it my job, but at least the education is there.

Lavikainen wants to do more drama roles. Jussi Eskola

The teachers of Lavikainen’s study program have been understanding about his day jobs.

– They have moved their studies to other times under the conditions of acting. With these prospects, the studies will end in the middle of next year. I have strong visions if I decide to do the work of a batch guide sometime in the future, says Lavikainen.


Lavikainen hopes that he would not be confined only to comedy films. Until now, however, his roles have been very comedy-oriented. The new Arctic Circle movie offers viewers a reason to laugh, but also to be sad at the same time.

– I was asked to be more emotional this time. It would be fun to do more drama and go even deeper into the feelings of the main character. With these kilometers, that sense of drama is already starting to accumulate, Lavikainen says.

Lavikainen himself has not yet watched the film he starred in.

– I’ll save it until the premiere. At the first time, you still can’t watch it as a movie. Then you will be horrified by your own performance and wonder why I did this and that.

There were many unforgettable moments on the set of the Arctic Heroes 4 movie. Jussi Eskola

In one scene, Räihänen, played by Lavikainen, ends up in tears due to the dramatic events in the newest part of the film series.

– I listened before taking Evako’s song and I thought to myself, what if I had to go to the emergency room. Children and many other things came to mind. That way, you can get to that necessary feeling, if you just psych yourself up enough.

However, the filming of the film also had the necessary amount of comedy.

Mikko Töyssy ate so many nakkis in one scene that I can’t even remember the exact amount. I’ve never seen anyone so unwell on set, Lavikainen laughs.
