Actor Kevin Spacey complained about the development of three men in the United Kingdom

The 62-year-old Oscar-winnaar was sued for a new year by the Britse politie naar een Reeks klachten Tussen 2005 en 2013. Het gaat in total om vier Gevallen van seksueel Misbruik bij three verschillende men.

“The CPS had to test against a criminal procedure against Kevin Spacey, 62, against four charges against three men,” says Rosemary Ainslie, who stated that there was a special misconduct with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), in a statement. “Hij is also a complaint for het aanzetten tot penetrerende seksuele handelingen zonder toestemming. The notice will be given of the fact that the Metropolitan Police in Haar onderzoek will be involved.”

The four misdrijven zouden raised plaatsgevonden in London and Gloucestershire Tussen Maart 2005 in April 2013.

New rol

In the middle of my story, I remembered that the actor had a role in the historical drama film 1242 – Gateway to the West, over de Mongoolse unfortunately Batu Khan. Het was the first big project for the actors are here before we were told about the project House of Cards for accusing van seksueel wangedrag.

Mede-actor Anthony Rapp kwam in 2017 met het verhaal naar buiten dat toen hij veertien was, een volwassen Spacey hem had betast. More accuse the following action of the acteur will be ontslagen bij House of Cards.
