Actor Daniel Freire (‘Personal reasons’) announces that he has cancer

Actor Daniel Freire has announced that he has cancer. His partner, Alberto Vázquez, has been the person in charge of posting a message on social networks announcing that the actor from ‘Doctor Mateo’, ‘Ana y los Siete’ or ‘Amar es para siempre’ suffers from this terrible disease.

Vázquez has not wanted to share many details, but he has hinted that his partner is already undergoing treatment to deal with cancer. In the post that he has published on Instagram you can see an image of the actor with his partner accompanied by a brief but very clear message: “This photo is the last one before we split up for a few days to fight the big monster”.

Even so, he has also written a few lines in a hopeful tone: “Trusting in you, in your strength, in the team of doctors in La Paz, in public health despite all the vultures that dismantle it and sell it to the highest bidder. Trusting in you, in science, in progress, in your strength, that we are waiting for you here soon, very soon and well, very well. Because that’s how it will be and that’s how it will be.”

The message ended with a beautiful declaration of love from Vázquez to his partner: “Because you have more friends than stars in an August sky, a family that adores you and a home where you can resurface after each day. And two babies that look for you in each shadow and every noise. Soon we will dance all together for the greatest of your successes and it will be the party of the year. Fiance. I love you and we show our faces to silence so many rumors that are already heavy”.

Daniel Freire is currently 60 years old and despite being from Buenos Aires, he has developed a large part of his career in Spain. His first job on television was in ‘Ana y los Siete’, where he played David Hidalgo. Subsequently, he has worked on other mythical series such as ‘Personal Reasons’, ‘Amar es para siempre’ or ‘Doctor Mateo’.
