Active for justice demonstrated against foie gras: “Leave when it’s off the menu”

Restaurant visitors of restaurant Metzo in Haarlem might have wanted a slightly quieter evening tonight. For more than half an hour a group of people were demonstrating in front of the restaurant because they have foie gras on the menu.

Foie gras means fatty liver in French and that is what the guests are served: a duck or goose liver that is much fatter than normal. To quickly fatten the liver, food is pushed down the beast’s throat with a hollow pipe.

‘degrading to animals’

With ducks this is about twice a day, but with geese it can be up to six times a day. This process is prohibited in the Netherlands, but it is allowed in other countries.

The demonstrators think it’s ‘degrading to animals’ and that’s why they were taking action.


After standing on the sidewalk of the restaurant twice for twenty minutes, the demonstrators took off again. But there is a chance that they will have to come back again, because as long as foie gras remains on the menu, they will demonstrate there.
