Activate and deactivate IT-Alert: the guide for Android and iPhone

The system will be used to report intense rainfall, tsunamis, volcanic activity, nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies

Editorial board

The testing phase of IT-Alertthe national public alert system which in the event of an emergency will be activated by the Department of Civil Protection, has resumed in recent days and will continue, region after region, with a timetable already set for some time and also for those who have not yet received the test message can right away enable or disable IT-Alert on your smartphone, both Android and iPhone.

On September 14th the test was carried out at 12 o’clock for all citizens equipped with a smartphone in Piedmont, Puglia and Lombardy and many in X they ran to complain about not having received the test message. One of the pieces of advice suggested by users of the social network known as Twitter until a few weeks ago was to check whether the service is actually enabled on your device. Here’s how to do it, so you can be ready when IT-Alert becomes fully operational.

How to enable or disable IT-Alert on iPhone

The procedure to check whether IT-Alert is enabled or disabled on iPhone is simple and quick: just open the app Settingsselect the item Notifications and scroll to the bottom of the screen to find two entries below Emergency Alerts: IT-Alert And Test notice. Make sure both are enabled to continue receiving alerts when needed.

How to enable or disable IT-Alert on Android

To carry out the same check on an Android device, you must first check the version of the operating system installed. Anyone with a smartphone running Android 12 or later can access Settingsselect the item Safety and emergency and from there activate or deactivate Emergency wireless alerts.

However, those who have a smartphone with Android 11 or previous versions must access the Settings and, using the search bar, type “emergency alerts” and then select Wireless emergency alerts from the list of available options to access the for option enable or disable IT-Alert.
