Actium wants to demolish 100 homes in Assen and replace them with new construction

Housing association Actium intends to demolish one hundred single-family homes in the Asser Schildersbuurt and replace them with new-build homes. This concerns homes on Henriëtte Ronnerstraat, Lonerstraat, Roessinghstraat, Tooropstraat and Rembrandtlaan. More than seventy local residents reacted positively to the plans during a residents’ meeting last night.

Actium investigated to what extent the homes still met the requirements of our time, in which energy efficiency played an important role. Demolition and new construction plans were finally drawn up on the basis of the conclusions from the study.

Change minds

Because the housing association considers it important that residents contribute ideas about the plans, they will go into the neighborhood with the residents in the course of April to collect the wishes and weaknesses of the neighbourhood. A sounding board group will also be formed with approximately thirty residents, in which ideas will be exchanged about the plans. The comments of the residents will be included in the assignment to the contractors.
