Action score for Ukraine: will we reach 400,000 euros?

The generous donations for Ukraine keep coming in: Saturday afternoon the counter of the action of the Leeuwarder Courant and Dagblad van het Noorden stands at more than 373,000 euros!

You can donate all day on Saturday. The promotion will run until December 31, 11:59 p.m. The money is used to repair apartments in Ukraine, purchase generators, organize emergency aid and much more.

Nine full containers of relief supplies

During the collection campaign last Thursday in Emmen, Groningen and Leeuwarden, another nine containers were filled with goods that readers brought.

In the meantime, early Saturday morning, Harlingen started processing the first containers of relief goods. A dozen volunteers transfer the contents of a number of containers from the Ukraine action into two units of Van Wijnen Noord. These units have been made available by Van Wijnen.

The destination of the transport is Irpin from where the goods are further distributed by local organizations. The units will be used as (temporary) housing. The contents of the containers will be transported in January.

You can donate here

You can donate via the QR code below or via this link: . You can also follow the status of the action on Whydonate.
