Action plan well-being of farmers and horticulturists proposed

Action plan well-being of farmers and horticulturists proposed

Organizations from the agricultural and welfare sectors, as well as people who visit the farm professionally, are working on it. Making the problems negotiable remains a point of attention, but tackling stress factors or strengthening skills are also part of the plan.

Anyone who works in agriculture or horticulture has to deal with a lot of rules and red tape. The prices are also sometimes disappointing and the valuation could also be a bit better. Flemish Minister of Agriculture Jo Brouns: ‘The threshold for seeking help if you can no longer handle it must be lowered. It is also important that people know where to go and that the skills to deal with this are also being developed. And also continue to focus on the factors that cause stress. These are important tracks that are part of the action plan. That is supported by the people who have to work with it: the farmers.’

Many organizations from the agricultural and welfare sector have worked together for the action plan. Also, perhaps surprisingly, the VDAB. David Pappaert: ‘Farmers or horticulturists who have questions about their career or work, if they have problems or concerns, can contact a career counselor. Those can be general questions. Such as: I want to know what I can possibly outsource, things are not going in the right direction here, what options do I have, or I would like to spend more time with my family. How can I combine that with life on the farm?’

A career counselor then sets to work with those questions. The VDAB deploys people with experience in the sector for this. But people in the area, such as the general practitioner, can also offer help. ‘Excessive stress can cause all kinds of physical symptoms. Then it’s up to us to actively ask about their stress and whether it still works a bit. We have to make it clear to our doctors that they have to actively do things like this,” says Siegfried Van Eygen of Domus Medica.

More appreciation is also welcome. With the slogan “Your sympathy gives our farmers energy!” the VLAM also wants to put that in the spotlight.
