Action party: from self-made election posters to the first local party in coalition

From election posters made on a canvas to a serious coalition partner. Action Party Haarlem is the first local political party in Haarlem to join the government. A nice step for the party that has its origins in the squatters and artists scene.

Action party has come of age – NH Nieuws

About sixteen years ago, Remko Trompetter was called by Sjaak Vrugt. Whether Trompetter Vrugt could help set up a political party. That seemed to Remko Trompetter something.

“I had previously helped set up the local SP in Haarlem so I had some political experience,” said Trompetter in the party’s faction office. “In those early years, the party consisted of an action group and an action list. The list was the political branch, the actions were carried out by the action group.”


For example, there were campaigns about housing on the Scheepmakersdijk and years later, among others, Trompetter, together with Groenlinks, ensured that the primordial cap (city beach on the edge of the center. Red.) could stay.

“We also campaigned at the Beahuis & BloemenhoveKliniek on the border between Heemstede and Haarlem,” continues Trompetter. “There were anti-abortion demonstration beaches hindering women who have to make an important choice in their lives, we took action against that.”

Founder Vrugt

Founder of the Action Party Sjaak Vrugt made national headlines in 2002 when he threw a bag of paint at the golden coach as a protest against the wedding of the then Prince Willem-Alexander and Máxima Zorreguieta.

“That was indeed Vrugt,” says Trompetter. “Such an action is of course possible, although he did it before this party existed. Look, I once went to social services naked because my benefits were cut.”

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Sjaak Vrugt on an old election poster – Michael van der Putten/NH Media/Haarlem105

In the meantime, not only has the party matured, the members are also older. “We are no longer doing our asses against the manger. The actions of the party must contribute something and be positive.”

After ten years at the party, Vrugt is no longer involved. After having had Gertjan Hulster as party chairman for a number of years, that is now Danny van Leeuwen. “The party has developed, but we have always had to do it ourselves with limited resources. We have many creative people who want the best for the city. The fact that we are now in the coalition is a very nice step for us.”

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