Acid is back on YouTube

Acid is back on YouTube

In his latest video ‘I’m sorry Reuzegom, sorry’, the Blankenbergenaar offers anything but apologies. He’s even proud. Acid – Nathan Vandergunst, YouTuber: “What we’ve set in motion with this video is crazy. My video is finally getting people talking and discussing the whole Reuzegom thing and all the horrible things those Reuzegommers did to Sanda Dia.

He also lashes out again at the court, the media and the lawyers of the Reuzegommers. But, a small apology somewhere, because Acid had used photos of famous people who have nothing to do with the case. “Bart Tommelein van Oostende was very angry because I had put that photo in here. It was purely for illustration. Almost everyone realized that, but those people themselves did not. So sorry that I involved you in this. You have absolutely nothing to do with whole thing.”

According to Acid, there are no real charges against him yet, but he is a bit afraid, he says, of the legal follow-up. His video has now been viewed more than 300,000 times.

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