Achieving financial-emotional well-being is possible

How did your vocation with this profession arise?

For years, precisely since my childhood, my link with money was from fear, scarcity and insecurity. The anguish and fear of “not having money” predominated my life, and the more time passed, my financial future loomed even darker, making saving my only obsession. I lived many years with this feeling, which did not let me enjoy what little or much I had, until one day I said enough. That’s when I decided to find out what was the origin of all these emotions that limited me to live the life I wanted and enjoy what is important to me, such as my family and health.

That is why I was able to realize that the reason was in my family history, and from there the limiting beliefs created, which kept me away from money, arose. Since throughout my life I suffered many economic crises that unconsciously led me to think that achieving financial well-being was impossible and that I was condemned to suffer from this belief for the rest of my life.

Something had to change and that change was undoubtedly in me.

How are emotions and finances related?

Emotions are important within our finances, since they are the ones that will determine the level of satisfaction in this important aspect of our lives. It’s not just about having a lot of wealth, in fact, it’s proven that having more money won’t necessarily make you feel better.

Emotions such as fear, anger, joy, among many others, manage to directly impact our finances, and also vice versa. Learning to be aware of the positive and negative emotions associated with money will allow us to understand what changes in thoughts and beliefs to focus on to improve our health and financial well-being.

What is the key to achieving financial-emotional well-being?

In principle, it is important to make a budget, which will provide us with the necessary tools to understand where we are financially located and thus be able to obtain improvements in this aspect.

With this first step we will be able to use the information obtained for intelligent decision making, which will allow us to continue advancing and achieve the desired well-being.

It depends on you, it can!

Contact information:

Instagram: @awakening_life


Mail: [email protected]


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