Accountant or software? For whom it is worth going to the expert for the tax return

Practical software tools for tax returns

Filing your own tax return correctly can be a tricky and tricky task. For this reason, quite a few German taxpayers use software products that make it easier to cut through the thicket of bureaucracy. One option here is the official software of the tax office, which is supposed to speed up the whole procedure. For this variant you only have to register at As explains, this software offers the advantage that some data such as the address and the number of children are already available and additional information, for example from income tax and health insurance, is transmitted automatically.

In addition, there are also all kinds of commercial software offerings that go a lot further than the official version: they support the customer in actively saving taxes. This is achieved by the program in question asking specific questions about special editions, for example, which can easily be overlooked without the help of the software. Apart from that, the commercial products are usually much more user-friendly and intuitive to use. The price alone may be a hindrance, since due to the annual changes in tax law, you have to get the latest version of the software every year.

When is it advisable to go to a tax advisor?

Despite all the clever aid programs, many people still prefer to make an appointment in person with a tax advisor when it comes to filing their taxes again. According to IMTEST, it is even advisable not only to go to the consultant when the deadline for filing the tax return is approaching, but to hold regular appointments throughout the year. This is the only way he can guarantee that his customers do not pay more taxes than they absolutely have to, without violating any regulations.

When it comes to saving, a good tax consultant is characterized by the fact that he has precise knowledge of all relevant regulations and can always come up with effective ways of avoiding unnecessary payments without stepping on the toes of the tax office. However, active consulting is something that many consultants do not actually offer at all. Instead of proposing tips and strategies to their clients on how they can save as much money as possible, many tax consultants only offer an assessment of their clients’ current situation. It is therefore advisable for resourceful savers not to rely solely on their tax advisor.

As far as costs are concerned, one should be aware that the fees for the services of an accountant always depend on the income and the level of complexity involved. However, the price for advice can never be described as cheap: according to IMTEST, costs of 200 euros can be expected even for a simple income tax return. Those who earn more have to be prepared for prices in the four-digit range. As with all services and products, it pays to compare prices to find the best deal. However, it can be said with certainty that software is the significantly cheaper alternative. Anyone who prefers personal advice cannot avoid digging a little deeper into their pockets.

Which variant is to be preferred?

Whether you prefer to use one of the many software tools available on the market or whether you prefer to visit your accountant regularly in person depends on your personal situation and individual preferences. For example, anyone who is self-employed or even runs their own company that employs staff is certainly well advised not to rely exclusively on aid programs when looking after their private finances, but also to provide personal advice, which of course is also for the tax applies. If, on the other hand, one pursues a simple occupation and leads a life in the course of which no complex financial problems arise, one can save a lot of money for the tax consultant in most cases and simply have the little money for the respective annual update of the preferred software shell out tools. Because that is of course the decisive factor: the money. Although a personal consultation can often also make sense, it is not recommended to choose this much more expensive option if there is basically no reason to do so.

Thomas Weschle / Editor

Image sources: chayanuphol /, Wolfilser /
