Accidentally got the perfect picture of the Zwolle Peperbus: ‘I just didn’t thank the alarm clock for it’ | Zwolle

with videoDo you know that? That your alarm goes off accidentally on your day off? 29-year-old Stefan Schooten also had that last Friday. Thanks to his girlfriend’s wake-up light, he was already awake at 6:15 am. You can then go back to sleep, but Schooten thought otherwise. He grabbed his camera gear and headed out.

Britney Sieben

1 Oct. 2022

It was a foggy morning, but there was not much to see in the center of Zwolle. ‘Too bad,’ thought Schooten. But an attempt to take to the skies with the drone changed everything. “I saw the images while I was filming and they were great. I just didn’t thank the alarm clock for it yet.’

One of the pictures Stefan took during his early morning © Stefan Schooten

The maker of the images is an IT professional, but in his spare time also likes to take photos and videos. Taking pictures like this gives him a kick: ‘I get a grin on my face that doesn’t go away quickly. It’s really cool that this was successful.’

Does he now often set his alarm clock so early on days off? “Hmm, I don’t think so,” he says with a laugh. ‘Then I’ll check beforehand whether it’s going to be foggy or not.’
