Accelerating the recovery operation | News item

News item | 16-02-2024 | 2:55 PM

The measures taken by the government in the past year to improve the recovery operation have led to an acceleration of the integrated assessments. Also, 83,737 young people (over 90%) who fall under the child scheme have received financial support. At the same time, a lot still needs to be done to settle additional damages and reduce waiting times for parents who have lodged an objection. This is stated in the progress report on Recovery Operation Allowances that State Secretary De Vries of Finance (Benefits and Customs) sent to the House of Representatives after the Council of Ministers.


By December 31, 2023, 68,376 parents have registered. 94% of the parents who registered have now had the first test. 33,225 parents have been recognized as victims. From the moment of registration, parents are entitled to support from the municipality where they live. Parents who have been identified as victims will quickly receive 30,000 euros. In addition, debts are tackled and public debts are cancelled. The integrated assessment has been completed for 71% of the parents, who have now been recognized as victims after the first test. The acceleration of the integrated assessment is reflected in the figures. Approximately 50 percent more assessments were completed in the last six months of last year compared to the first half of 2023. The debt approach is also going well. Almost all submitted debts and/or payment arrears have now been settled, for a total amount of 887 million euros.

Seriously affected parents

The government wants to help seriously affected people as soon as possible. The cabinet has made additional agreements with all 342 municipalities. Municipalities have the option to report parents in serious and distressing situations as a priority to the Implementation Organization for Recovery Allowances (UHT). This emergency route for seriously affected parents also applies to parents abroad, for the additional damage routes and for the handling of objections.

Additional damage routes

Some parents have higher damages than are reimbursed based on the integrated assessment. Three routes are available for the settlement of this additional damage. Parents can decide for themselves which route suits them best and they always remain in control. Parents can report to the Actual Damage Commission (CWS) or opt for the directing route-Settlement Agreement (VSO) or the route with a damage framework with fixed amounts via the Equivalent Recovery Foundation (SGH). In the near future, the various routes will be further expanded and scaled up so that parents can be helped more quickly. Evaluation of the SGH route will take place in the first quarter of 2024. The aim is that the alternative damage route will then be opened to all parents as soon as possible.

Objection handling

Many parents still have to wait a long time if they appeal against a decision. A large number of measures have already been taken to speed up the objection handling process and to provide parents with clarity sooner. The aim is to prevent objections and reduce the number by talking to parents earlier in the process. Furthermore, efforts are being made to strengthen capacity by recruiting significantly more objection staff and improving automation. The implementation of the debt approach is progressing smoothly. The debt approach for affected parents consists of canceling public debts and compensating payment arrears. Approximately 97% of affected parents with a public debt who are eligible for cancellation have had their debt canceled.
