Acast unveils the robot portrait of podcast creators in France

Acast, the largest independent podcast platform in the world, regularly unveils its barometer to take stock of the evolution of the podcast. On April 28, 2022, the brand published an infographic in which we discover the robot portrait of creators and creators of podcasts in France.

64% of podcasts are hosted by men

Breakdown between men and women, subjects covered, age groups… This new barometer gives us a lot of information on the different profiles of podcasters in France. In particular, we discover that, contrary to popular belief, more men host podcasts than women. Based on the 100 most listened to content in France, 64% are held by men30% by women and 6% of podcasts are mixed.

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It is interesting to go into the details of the topics covered to better understand the ecosystem of the French podcast. We understand, for example, that women have a particular attraction for topics of society, culture and comedy, while men prefer to host podcasts on topics related to news, politics, tech and sports. The Acast barometer reveals that the content created for children is led by women as much as by men.

77% of designers are between 26 and 39 years old

The infographic also provides information on the typologies of podcasters: 48.5% of women are part of a podcast studio, compared to 42.5% for men. On the other hand, the latter are twice as numerous in media groups (12% against 6.5% for women). Among creative women, 77% are between 26-39 years old. The older we get, the more the trend reverses. Men between the ages of 40 and 55 represent half of podcasters compared to only 16% of women in the same age group.

The barometer reveals the ranking of the most used applications for listening to podcasts. Apple Podcast remains well ahead with 45.1%. Behind, we find Spotify with 22.6% and Deezer with 7% of listening. Acast notes a slight drop in the number of episodes listened to each month. Only Apple Podcast is doing well with an average of 7.6 episodes listened to per listener each month: the only platform to progress. Finally, after an excellent year 2021, we find that B2B companies are investing the most in podcasts at the start of 2022. They are followed by tech and retail companies. Full infographic here:

Infographic on the profile of podcast creators: Acast
