Academy initiates investigation into Will Smith





It was the big scandal of this year’s Academy Awards on March 28 when Will Smith stormed onto the stage while comedian Chris Rock was hosting and slapped him across the face. The reason: Rock had made fun of Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s short hairstyle – allegedly without knowing that her hairstyle is the result of circular hair loss. Now the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said that they want to analyze the case more closely and possibly draw conclusions from it.

Will Smith — Does he have to give his Oscar back?

“The Academy condemns Mister Smith’s conduct at yesterday’s show. We have officially initiated a formal review of the incident and will be reviewing further actions and consequences consistent with our bylaws, standards of conduct and California law,” the Academy said in an official statement. What consequences that could be is left open. As the “New York Post” quotes an unnamed insider source, it could well be that Smith has to return his Oscar.

The organization also shared its code of conduct, which provides “an ethical framework for members of the academy.” Accordingly, members of the Academy should conduct themselves in accordance with the good reputation of the organization. A clause therein states: “The Academy may take any disciplinary action permitted by the Academy’s charter, up to and including suspension of membership or expulsion from membership.”

No reconciliation between Rock and Smith

Smith had repeatedly yelled at Rock after the physical assault, saying, “Don’t put my wife’s name in your damn mouth.” During his acceptance speech (Smith won the Oscar for Best Actor that night), he apologized to the Academy and the guests present, but not explicitly to Chris Rock. As the US celebrity portal “TMZ” reports, there has been no discussion or reconciliation between the two. However, Chris Rock is said to have refrained from reporting. According to TMZ sources, Rock was “completely surprised and confused” by Smith’s attack.




