AC Milan from the Scudetto? Zaccheroni, Jankulovski, Galli answer …

“Pioli top coach, good Maldini. The group is the extra weapon “. Jankulovski: “A fantastic collective. Theo is very strong “

Milan in command, more and more master of his own destiny. In the night of Cagliari he took off: the more three against Napoli, the more six against Inter. The team has gained altitude and is not afraid. An increasingly convinced group that puts its winning strategies into action on the pitch. Two aspects, psychology and tactics, which also stand out in the reflections of illustrious former Rossoneri. We asked them, all with the Scudetto on the bulletin board, what is the strength of Milan today and everyone noticed a particular aspect, a distinctive trait that rewards the team.

According to Alberto Zaccheroni, for example, “this Milan can do it because it combines density, intensity and quality. He does not use the whole field, he mainly exploits the central part, vertically: and there he is capable of winning duels and creating numerical superiority. A system that rewards them: Theo, Leao, but also Messias and Calabria, as well as Florenzi, are very centralized. It literally dominates the central funnel, the key is that. Brahim Diaz struggles a bit more because in a similar context he pays in physicality. I can’t make comparisons with our 1999 championship, but there is a similarity: they are two teams with a great spirit. We see that today as then there is the right climate and enthusiasm. Pioli was very good, he has recorded in recent weeks and also affects the single game with the changes. But the architect of this rebirth is Paolo Maldini: to create the ideal environment, to insist on the Rossoneri sense of belonging, Paolo is a true master. The Rossoneri are better off than everyone else, and have shown that they have another decisive characteristic: their mentality “.

Giovanni Galli is determined to clear “that” word that in Milanello is still seen as a taboo. “Say the word scudetto? It is possible and certainly not since yesterday. But to say that Milan are favorites is still early: anything can still happen. Inter is not over, Napoli is there. I like Milan because they play lightly, perhaps because at the beginning they didn’t start with the obligation to win. In that locker room there must be a magical atmosphere, different from the others. Pioli manages to bring out the best in everyone and to always discover new resources. And he will still have others to play, like Ibrahimovic and Rebic, finally ready for the grand finale. The group transmits harmony, trust, respect for the parties. It reminds me of my Milan: we too weren’t prepared and yet Sunday after Sunday we won and became convinced. Now, however, be careful: it is the moment when the opponents, especially at San Siro, will close and finding spaces will be more difficult. And if I think about those 5 points
plus subtracted for questionable referee choices … “.

Marek Jankulovski voted for Rossoneri very strongly: “This Milan can play for it. They made a great impression on me, they seem like a fantastic group that can really win the Scudetto. My 2011 AC Milan had a lot of European experience, so it was almost normal to get to the title. This group has fewer, but makes up for it with lust and quality. Giroud surprised me very much. Ibra is the father of this whole group. In addition to Leao who is very, very good. And I can’t help but talk about those who play today, like me, on the left: Theo Hernandez is very strong. There isn’t much more to add. In addition, Pioli’s hand can be seen: he is good and prepared. If a group like this has been created, which seems united, winning, eager to go all the way, there can be no merit from the coach ”.
