ABVV with shopping cart through Kortrijk: this is what the union action is about today

ABVV with shopping cart through Kortrijk: this is what the union action is about today

Among other things, the union wants energy prices to be blocked. “If this is not possible in Europe, then at national level”, it sounds. The organization also advocates an extensive and permanent social rate and premiums as long as the invoices are unaffordable. In addition, investments in renewable energy and energy renovation must be increased and energy suppliers must be obliged to offer and communicate the most advantageous energy tariff, it is said.

In order to strengthen the purchasing power of families, the ABVV wants fair taxes to be worked on, including more net wages for the smaller earners and a tax on large assets. The tax reform should be used to refinance public services, according to the union.

With a shopping cart through Kortrijk

The actions of 14 February will be spread across the various provinces. In our province there are pamphlet campaigns in companies and in public places. Militants pull under the slogan “Thanks, automatic index!” with a filled shopping cart through Kortrijk.

Nuisance for bus and coastal tram

The union actions already have consequences for De Lijn’s services. Perhaps only six out of ten of the buses and coastal trams are running today. De Lijn recommends viewing the app for the latest information. They do not expect any inconvenience at the NMBS.
