‘Abuse Coevorden probably an accident’

Was it an assault on the Tuinstraat in Coevorden, or was it an accident? Based on several witnesses, the police suspect that it is most likely the latter.

In the night of 30 to 31 July, the police reported an assault on a 32-year-old man from Coevorden. The victim is said to have been beaten up in Tuinstraat by a group of seven to ten people. The injuries sustained were “serious” according to police.

The police have now heard several witnesses. “These statements show that there has probably been no abuse. It seems more likely that the victim fell accidentally,” a spokesperson said. “And so was injured.” There is no definitive answer yet, because the investigation is still ongoing.

The police have not made any arrests so far. It is therefore questionable whether or not this turn will follow at all. For privacy reasons, the spokesperson cannot indicate what the victim himself has told the police.
