Absolute record: more than 213,000 jobs available at Belgian bedrijven | landlocked

Het aantal openstaande vacatures steeg met 3.86% ten opzichte van het first quarter van dit jaar. In Vlaanderen het a total of 3,588 vacatures were booked, in Brussel he was 2,540 open vacancies sea dan previous quarter and in Wallonië het went 1,818 vacatures.

Also the vacation rate is increased from 4.83 to 4.97%. This is the total number of jobs in the area. In the Vlaams Gewest the highest rate is 5.60%, followed by the Brussels Hoofdstedelijk rate of 4.25% and the Waals rate of 3.90%.

Het gaat om Meer than 184,000 vacatures for a vaste job in about 30,000 interim jobs. That is in a total of 8,000 seas then in the first quarter of that year.

Most of the vacations are organized in non-profit (50,000), business and services (38,000), industry (31,000), trade (27,000) and bouw (16,000).
