About twenty people denounce the sexual abuse of a priest in Barcelona in the 60s and 70s

About twenty people have denounced the continued sexual abuse of a priest in Barcelona and Caldes d’Estrac in the 60s and 70s, according to ‘El País’ and ‘Catalunya Ràdio’. The denounced priest, Josep Vendrell Cortasa, died in 2004. The victims were children who were between 8 and 15 years old, and some suffered weekly rapes. The victims fear that there are more people affected in Montcada i Reixac, where he also served as parish priest between 1975 and 1990. At least fifteen people have sent their story to the Ombudsman.

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In Caldes d’Estrac He was in charge between 1970 and 1975, where he was also in charge of the escort group, the parochial school and the escolania. He arrived after being denounced in Barcelona by some families to the police and the bishopric when he worked in the Agrupament Escolta Aureli Escarré, linked to the parish of Santo Tomás de Aquino. However, the rest of the families gave full support to the priest.

And it is that, in general, the families respected him a lot and no one questioned him, even when he presumed before them that he knew the penises of his children, as explained by the victims, who describe him as “a great manipulator, a psychopath and very charismatic”. . He told the parents that he gave sexuality classes to the children.
