About these things, Sointu Borg is insecure about her appearance

In the Sana on vara podcast, Sointu Borg and Janni Hussi talk about their insecurities and appearance trends.

Sointu says that he reminds himself that he is enough when insecurities start to weigh on him. Elle Laitila

Entrepreneur and speaker Sointu Borg reveals his worst insecurities Word is free on the podcast. Borg says that especially Dancing with the Stars -competition exercises have raised the familiar insecurities.

– One is that I have a nerdy face and the other is that I don’t really have an ass, Borg admits regarding his appearance.

Co-host Janni Hussi comments that Borg has spoken a lot about his attitude towards his rear. Borg believes that the fact that the round backside has become a trend in recent years contributes to the uncertainty. As a tall person, it hasn’t been possible for him to shape his rear by getting in shape.

– I have such genes and body structure that even if I pumped terribly, I wouldn’t get any freezing butt, Sointu describes.

With Soinnu, Janni reflects on various insecurities and where the impostor syndrome comes from. Both are honest about things they are unsure about. WIND SYRJALA

In the episode, the duo pondered the current beauty trends, which cause pressure and uncertainty for many. Hussi describes with amusement that he does sports in which the backside is not rounded, but more flattened.

– I don’t think a plastic ass would look good on me, Borg laughs though.

You can listen to the entire Sana on vura podcast In Podimo.
