About the puzzle that is called the organization of the Netherlands

The Dutch landscape is already dotted with everything: homes, factories, distribution centers, rail, roads, windmills, charging stations and farms. But for population growth being able to keep up is, above all, even more of all that needed: more houses to live in, more distribution centers to process parcels, more bridges, more roads, and all this in a safe way, which also protects nature and keeps the landscape nice to look at.

In this Hague Affairs is about the organization of the Netherlands. You will hear from Eppo König and Karlijn Kuijpers who is responsible for that puzzle, about how previous cabinets relinquished control and what consequences this had. And you hear about how the current cabinet wants to take back control.

@LamyaeA // @e_konig // @KarlijnKuijpers

Also listen to the previous episodes we made on this subject

Hague Affairs in the summer: the major crisis episode

How a Facebook data center became a political problem

Also read these articles that previously appeared in NRC

Major city regions are growing, the north is lagging behind

Groundwater goes up, nitrogen goes down

Former inspector: ‘The living environment is in danger without government supervision’

You are not allowed to sleep in the attic, it says in the purchase deed – too much noise

How the government let go of control over the organization of the Netherlands

It takes 30 years, costs billions and starts after the summer: the reorganization of the Netherlands

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Then email our ombudsman at [email protected]

Lamyae Aharouay
Eppo König and Karlijn Kuijpers
Editorial & production:
Ignace Shot
Peter Baker
Jeffrey Groeneweg / ANP
