About Love: ‘Sex was never fun. I thought I was broke’ | Debby Gerritsen

In a world where everything seems to revolve around sex, it’s hardly talked about. That is, about the practical side of the love game. After all, where do you learn how sex works – except in porn movies or the women’s magazines? ‘I read in the Hitkrant that you had to use a shower head. But that didn’t work for me’, says Milou Munsters, author of the book Not exactly sexy. While her college friends kept bragging about how much they loved sex, Milou couldn’t handle all those success stories. Sex was never fun for me. I had never had an orgasm. I thought I was broken.” Listen in!

In the podcast About Love, Debby Gerritsen looks for stories about love, sex and relationships in all shapes and sizes. How do we date these days? What are we all up to in the bedroom? And is the traditional house-tree-animal relationship still relevant today? Debby talks to experts and acquaintances about the taboos and clichés.

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