Abortion prohibited, the US organizes itself in the post-Roe world

IS started out as an experiment by a Dutch NGO in Guatemala and Mexico, but now it will be replicated by doctors and activists in the United States. In California it is preparing an abortion ship on the high seas.

Abortion prohibited in the US: it will take place on a ship on the high seas

It would be an extraterritorial structure where the laws of the states no longer have value. A solution, also supported by the White House, which lawyers and experts judge fully legal at the federal level.

These are the foundations on which the proposed by Meg Autrya California doctor, obstetrician, gynecologist and lecturer at the University of California at San Francisco, to build a floating abortion clinic that can guarantee access to termination of pregnancy to all those people whose state has sanctioned the prohibition.

“The idea is to provide a facility aboard a ship in federal waters that offers first trimester surgical abortions, contraception and other treatmentsThe doctor explained to the media. «In our country there has been an assault on women’s rights and I have always been a supporter of health and reproductive choice ».

The protests in the United States over the sentence that effectively canceled the right to abort

An early stage project, but the ideas are clear

The project is still in its infancy and Autry is raising money through the non-profit association “PRROWESS“Protecting Reproductive Rights Of Women Endangered by State Statutes”.

The ideas, however, are already very clear. There is still a lot of work to be done and many details to be determined, such as the place of departure of the ship and the way in which women can reach it.

Abortion prohibited in the US: Biden joins the protest

But, women deprived of a fundamental right and the organizations that support them are organizing for a post-Roe world, after the Supreme Court declared its end, leaving the question to individual states. But, in fact, preventing access to abortion in the more conservative southern United States.

To respond to social pressures, Joe Biden a few days ago signed an executive order for guarantee the right to terminate a pregnancy in the United Statesunderlining that “the decision of the Supreme Court was totally wrong, not guided by the Constitution or by history”.

