Abortion, against the bill A beating heart

“THEthe doctor who carries out the examination preceding the voluntary termination of pregnancy pursuant to this law, is obliged to show, through instrumental tests, to the woman intending to have an abortion, the unborn child she is carrying in her womb and to have her listen to its heartbeat». Introducing this huge little sentence into article 14 of law 194 of 22 May 1978, paragraph 1-bis is the objective of the popular initiative bill entitled, precisely, A beating heart.

Luciana Littizzetto and the letter to Maurizio Gasparri on abortion: «Law 194 belongs to all women»

A beating heart. The collection of signatures against the collection of anti-abortion signatures

Carried out by fifteen anti-choice associations, the signature collection had the endorsement of the first citizens of Manfredonia and Grosseto, who publicized the anti-choice signature collection on their institutional pages. And also from VI Municipality of Rome which published a post on the official Facebook page inviting people to participate. Against this “violence on the part of the institutions” in promoting the collection of no-choice signatures this afternoon, Thursday 16 November, a demonstration was organized in front of the headquarters of the VI Municipality of Rome (via Fernando Conti, 97). «To say enough to this interference on our bodies and, at the same time, give citizens the opportunity to sign our bill to protect reproductive self-determination and guarantee free and safe abortion», explained Giulia Crivellini, treasurer of Radicali Italiani and Vittoria Loffi, coordinator of the Libera di Abortire network.

Free to Abort, the bill for reproductive self-determination

There popular initiative bill for Free to Abort (you can sign here) provides for the recognition of abortion as true reproductive right. The possibility of aborting without obstacles or limitations up to the 14th week of the actual gestational age. The freedom to choose between the surgical and pharmacological method without conditioning. Overcoming conscientious objection. Continuous training and updating of the medical staff involved. The full strengthening of counseling centers.

The obligation for all affiliated public and private facilities to guarantee the voluntary termination of pregnancy service. Protection of access to IVG services for people with a migratory background. Secular, scientific and institutional information on access routes to pregnancy terminations available from ministerial channels. Protection of the privacy of the pregnant person throughout the abortion process.

What is not permissible to suffer when you choose to have an abortion

The association also wrote a Vademecum to find out what you can do if you decide to have an abortion and what you cannot suffer. At least today. If the popular initiative law were to pass, the situation would change drastically. According to current legislation, ultrasound is in fact absolutely not a mandatory step for IVG. Even if the organizations promoting the amendment to law 194 speak of simply wanting to stimulate greater awareness on pregnancy terminations, it is clear that A beating heart is born in belief that listening to the heartbeat certainly changes the mind of those who feel that heartbeat in their lap.

A similar law exists in Hungary. While several American states, such as Texas, have adopted the so-called “heartbeat bill”, promoted by the Faith2Action association, founded by the anti-abortion activist Janet Porter. Here if the heartbeat is felt, i.e. around six weeks, abortion is prohibited. Point.

