Abby Steiner, Million Dollar Deal

Abby Steiner found herself in the middle of a bit of an uproar before the World Championships in Athletics.

Abby Steiner (center) won two relay golds at the World Championships. PDO

Before the World Championships in Eugene, there was a rumor on social media that the women’s 200m runner Abby Steiner would have signed a cooperation agreement worth two million with the shoe company Puma.

The matter was brought up on Twitter by the track and field coach of the University of Sacramento Kenny McDaniel. He claimed that Steiner had signed a collaboration agreement with the shoe brand Puma while at the College.

According to him, the contract would have entered into force for Steiner before the start of the World Championships.

– Steiner has just signed a contract with Puma worth two million dollars, McDaniel wrote on Twitter.

Steiner was perhaps a bit unknown before this season. He attended college and played football in addition to track and field. However, at the American championships, he ran a long time of 21.77.

Several American media noted the tweet and Steiner suddenly became one of the most talked about athletes.

– The fact that people are trying to leak the details of my contract is one of the most intrusive and disturbing experiences I’ve had, Steiner wrote on his Twitter account.

– That information is a matter between me and my sponsor. Please keep in mind that we athletes are human and deserve better than being used as tools on social media.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

Just days before the World Cup, the collaboration between Steiner and Puma was finally released. Details of the agreement or related sums of money were not disclosed.

Swedish athletics agent Daniel Wessfeldtwhich represents, among other things, a staff peak Armand Duplantisbelieves that the sum in question has been invented.

– It (the information) did not come from Puma or anyone else, but someone tweeted that this is how it is. That’s speculation.

– It is impossible that a college girl who runs 200 meters and who can also become a 400 meter runner would be offered that contract. It’s completely out of the blue.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.


Steiner deleted Twitter from his phone before the World Cup. It helped him focus on the Games.

– According to my experience, we athletes are not always treated like people, Steiner told the Swede For Expressen.

– I know that the amount in question was not correct at all, and neither I nor Puma said anything about it. Lying about such things spreads quickly on social media. I don’t do this for the money, I do this because I love the sport.

Steiner advanced to the women’s 200m final in Eugene, where she ran fifth. His time was 22.26. He also won two relay golds in the US relay team in Eugene.

At the beginning of July, Abby Steiner (center) found herself in the middle of a small commotion. PDO
