ABAX, What are healthy habits for financial health?

since ten years Federico MoureSenior technician in asset negotiation (UTN), suitable for mutual funds (CNV) and insurance producer (SSN), is dedicated to what is called financial health: a concept that has grown a lot in recent years, both in business and in people’s daily lives.

“A few years ago, a domestic accident seriously affected my father and made me rethink many things. Perhaps because of those coincidences –or ’causes’– of life, I understood that I had to do something different, have a contingency plan”, says Federico Moure and adds: “Not only plan by objective and diversification, but also carry out a pertinent risk analysis in each specific case and decide based on that.”

It was then that Federico assumed the commitment and responsibility to help people in this area: financial health. “Luckily, or unfortunately, I realized that people would be better off with conscious planning and, above all, it improves the country, even more so knowing and having already gone through several ups and downs in Argentina.”

What is the first thing to consider when thinking about having a financial planning advisor?

Knowing it, that’s essential. It is important to know his personal history, not only his experience, but also his commitment to the insurance and financial market, why he chose his job. At least that’s what I analyzed when choosing mine. Yes, we consultants also have consultants. We look for specialists in each area and thus be able to discover those blind spots that the advisor helps to detect.

In times of crisis, why are financial planning advisors so important?

It is always important, it is the easiest answer, but it is the real one. Knowing and having access to basic information on Financial Planning, budgeting or more specific and sophisticated points, helps to make better decisions. But with regard to crises specifically, the more convulsed and unpredictable the day to day is, the more necessary it is to plan, later we will see what resources we have and how we carry out that planning.

Throughout his career, Federico continues to train in the leadership of commercial teams and all the subjects that he considers essential in his business school and the annual schedule. For the advisor, there are two very important points for growth: education and teams.

“Solid foundations and simple processes are always needed leading a high-performance team of professionals,” says Federico, who is accompanied by the Management Team and the work table of his Ser Financiero team: “Today with Mariano, Laura, Franco, Martín, Mateo, David, Nadia, Nicanor, Nico S., Marisa… we are several. And, of course, the consultants who want to join us”.

Contact information:

Av. Del Libertador 6430 14th floor, CABA

Phone: 11 5700 6145


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @abaxgrupo @mourefede @serfinanciero

Facebook: @abaxgrupo @serfinanciero

LinkedIn: Federico Moure

by Cedoc

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