Abascal promises to end the “imposition” of Catalan at school

The candidate of vox to the presidency of the Government, Santiago Abascalhas promised this Saturday to put an end to the model of language immersion in Catalan in the schools of Catalonia and to follow models such as those that the governments of the Valencian Community and Balearics They have announced that they will apply.

In an act in Barcelonathe ultra leader has considered an “imposition” that schooling be done in the Catalan language and He denied that Valencians and the Balearic Islands speak the same language: “Catalan is spoken here; there, Valencian, and on the other side, Balearic, and some want to call everything the same way.”

Abascal has opted for what he calls “freedom of choice“and has promised that in the Valencian Community and on the islands “the right to educate their children in the common language of the Spanish will be guaranteed”. Vox has been key to the arrival of the PP in the government of these two autonomies and will govern in coalition in Valencia.

The party held a pre-campaign act in the neighborhood of La Barceloneta which also brought together the leader of the party in Parliament, Ignacio Garrigaand at the head of the Barcelona list for the July 23 elections, Juan Jose Aizcorbe.

Homosexuals more “protected” with VOX

abascalhas ensured that “many homosexuals” feel “more protected” by Vox than by Pedro Sánchezwhose government, has indicated, opens doors to “illegal immigration mobs” and “Islamist” who “would like to hang gays from a crane.”

In a political actin which he has been received with shouts of “Long live Spain” and “president”, and while LGTBI pride demonstrations take place in many cities, Abascal has reiterated his commitment to do not hang rainbow flags from official buildings.

“Sánchez forgets that the Supreme Court does not allow unofficial flags and forgets that many homosexuals who vote for us already feel represented by that flag that welcomes and respects them, that of Spain, that of all,” he said.

Furthermore, he has pointed out that there are homosexual people “who do not feel represented by dogmas” and who “do not think that their sexuality is the center of their life.”

“He criminalizes us because of the LGTBI flag and does not realize that homosexuals feel more protected by us than by Pedro Sánchez or by (French President Emmanuel) Macron.”

Europe “threatened” by immigrants

“Some want to import the French model of immigration that degrades women and wants to hang homosexuals from cranes,” said Abascal, who said he was following the riots in the neighboring country.

According to the president of Vox, “there is a Europe threatened by mobs of anti-Europeans that destroys police stations, burns libraries and stabs babies”, referring to the immigrants.

“They say that they come to pay pensions, but they bring crimes such as group rapes, which have multiplied during Sánchez’s term,” he assured.

Abascal, who has devoted a good part of his speech to talking about the “failed” model of “multiculturalism” in France, has claimed that the root of the problem is due to “Islamism”.

“They say that everything comes from inequality. It is not true. It’s not because of inequality, it’s because of culture“, has said.

The president of Vox has also once again called Sánchez a “liar”, of whom he has also said that “she flies the flag of feminism while releasing rapists onto the street.”

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Given this, the ultra-right leader has indicated that they will continue “fighting manipulation” of the media and the elites so that “common sense” wins, “the values ​​that have been defended for generations” and “the things that matter.”

In this sense, he has said that he will use the “never used” constitutional mechanism of consultations to ask questions to the Spanish people through a referendum.
