‘Ab Osterhaus guilty of sudden drop in ratings Today Inside’

Not the extra long broadcast time, but virologist Ab Osterhaus is guilty of the sudden drop in viewing figures of Friday’s Today Inside, thinks Rob Goossens. “He really doesn’t fit there.”

© SBS 6

The viewing figures of Friday’s Today Inside are on the rise now that the program has been stretched to an hour and a half on that broadcast day. According to viewing figures expert Tina Nijkamp, ​​this is a clear signal that the talk show is simply taking too long, but Rob Goossens thinks something else is going on.

‘Ab doesn’t fit there’

Rob states to the RTL Boulevard desk that it is the fault of virologist Ab Osterhaus, who was a guest in the broadcast. “These are still good numbers, of course, aren’t they? Let that come first. But I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that they had Ab Osterhaus sitting at the bar than it was a bit longer.”

Why? “Ab Osterhaus just doesn’t fit the program at all. So you are going to make a slightly longer broadcast on Friday evening, you have live music, so then I would say: make sure that there is always a flavor of the program.”

Ozcan or Roxane

Rob thinks that it is precisely for the Friday broadcast that you have to draw on your top guests as Today Inside. “Like Pieter Cobelens or Özcan Akyol or Roxane Knetemann and that you don’t end up with B or C trimmings, because then the viewer says on Friday evening: then I’m going to do something else.”

It could just be that Rob is right. Fans of Today Inside speak under one socials post of the program fiercely against Ab. There are dozens of responses.

“Disgusting guy!”

What do the VI viewers say about Ab? “Disgusting scary guy who set people against each other and became very rich himself”, says one Steef.

Peter: “It’s a pity for the program that the viewers don’t like him. It doesn’t fit the decor at all. Market share and viewing figures are collapsing.”

Herrie: “It’s a pity that Ab still gets a stage to frighten people and to stay in the picture.”


And so it goes on. Willem: “Terrible man. That you invite that liar and fraudster.”

Marram: “That you invite these VEEARTS, very bad thing. Definitely does the program no good!!”

Jacob: “People mainly went to watch Today Inside to avoid figures like Oosterhuis.”

And Jo: “If you are going to smash your own windows, you should especially invite that guest who previously could not be beaten away from those NPO talk shows. Bit of a strange sensation that Today Inside suddenly starts to like this guy.”
