AB InBev gaat Oekraïens beer in Belgium brouwen en verkopen, de winst gaat naar oorlogsslachtoffers

Anna Rudenko, the marketing base for the beer market in Oekraïne, suffers from the beginning of Belgium. Ze belandde previous mand in ons Land met a antal familieleden om te vluchten voor de oorlog. “Ik ben er trots op dat we Chernigivske buiten Oekraïne op de markt brengen,” says ze. “Chernigivske is served by many generations of Oekraïners. As a brouwerij, we can only interact with the consumers who use it in their homes in terms of human resources.

In Oekraïne ligt de brouwerij in Tsjernihiv, in the north of Oekraïne, intussen helemaal stil. Op 24 February, the first day of the oorlog, the city was covered by the Russian publishers. Beginning of April heeft dat de city weer later than het in many areas me had planned. AB InBev gaat het beer nu brouwen in Leuven, with the bedoeling het op de Belgische markt te introduceren.

Vanaf helped my zal het in speciale blinkjes te koop zijn in the supermarkets van Colruyt, Carrefour and Delhaize. He was also thinking about it in de horeca te lanceren. All winst van de verkoop wordt done aan organizations that humanitaire help verlenen in Oekraïne, because of Caritas International. “The humanitarian crisis is in the hands of millions of people in the head. If you bring Chernigivske to other countries op de Markt te, we can deliver an extra bijdrageen aan humanitaire hulp voor Oekraïne”, adus een woordvoerder van het bedrijf. “Hopelijk willen veel consumenten daaraan bijdragen.”

Also in the Netherlands and the VS

Chernigivske is the most popular beer brand in Oekraïne. Het rake onder meer bekend as a sponsor of the WK voetbal in 2010 in Oekraïne in Poland, of the olympic team and as a national partner of the Eurovisiesongfestival. It is known to the city of Tsjernihiv, the location of the first brewery in Chernigivske producersde, but the beer is still being built in the Oekraïense cities of Mykolaiv and Charkiv. The lines are now in the Russian vuurlinie.

Chernigivske ontstond as a gift from the Brouwerij aan zijn born Tsjernihiv in 1988, toen de Stadt zijn 1,300-year bestaan ​​Vierde. Chernigivske was the first beer in the Sovjet-Unie was the recipe was developed according to European standards. Heeft an alcohol content of 4.8 percent and worded omschreven as “scarce and eating with a character that cracks and pit perfect in even weight brings”.

AB InBev has Chernigivske intussen also al introduced in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Netherlands. The Leuvense brouwer is guaranteed via the initial start to the minimum for half a year in euros at the front of the mensen in Oekraïne.

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