Aatu is shocked when he arrives at the home of his exchange couple

Magician Aatu Itkonen moves the Dille cat to Kira Kulmala’s home as a roommate.

Aatu Itkonen and Kira Kulmala finally get along well. Four

This week, the magician from Tampere will change his homes and weekly budgets in the program Rich and Poor Aatu Itkonen19, and a part – time student Kira Kulmala19.

When Aatu arrives at Kira’s home, Dille’s cat and a stinging pike floating in its sandbox are in front of him. Confused Aatu is shocked when she enters the bathroom.

– So is there … So, what weld? There is wet laundry here. No sack. This goes to my feelings. How does this even catch up? Aatu is updating while trying to partially close the door of the washing machine, which has been improved with packing tape.

– Who leaves the wet laundry in the machine for a week and maybe leaves without cleaning the cat droppings that stink here? I’m not going to touch those laundry. Then notice how they smell when they are there for a week, Aatu emphasizes.

Later, however, Aatu bends to the clothes hanging trees. Wet laundry will also become a topic of discussion when the duo meet each other at the end of the exchange week.

– Perhaps confusion was the word when I arrived at your home and saw wet laundry in the machine. I was wondering what’s up? Whose home do I live in, what are his values ​​and what is his character? Aatu times his experience.

Aatu also wants to know if it was pure oblivion.

– I was sitting on the couch in the morning before leaving and I thought I forgot something. I circled around the cabin that something was left. When I got to my cabin, I remember the laundry, Kira says.

The mystery of wet laundry has survived.

Kira and Aatu find that they are doing well. They unanimously state that they may meet again.

Aatu Itkonen is known as a magician. Four

Rich and penniless on Thursdays at 8pm at Nelonen.

See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
