Aanwervingsplannen Vlaamse bedrijven op laagste niveau in two years | economy

Vlaamse Werkgevers zullen de komende maanden mensen blijven aannemen, maar het tempo van de aanwervingen vertraagt. This is from the third-party barometer of the HR organization ManpowerGroup.

In the roundabouts of 213 Vlaamse Werkgevers, there is 32 percent of the total number of employees who are responsible for the two quarters that are in the Breiden, Terwijl 22 percent of the total number of employees who are responsible for this. This is a net working forecast of +10 percent, “the last level in two years”, aldus ManpowerGroup. In the first quarter, the forecast was at +19 percent, a year ago at +36 percent.

The Vlaamse works are limited to a number of applications that are related to our colleagues’ elders in Belgium. De Waalse werkgevers zijn het meest optimistically than het over de aanwervingsintenties gaat (+28 percent) and also de Brusselse werkgevers Schatten de komende maanden more favorable in (+21 percent) dan hun Vlaamse collega’s. In Belgium, the net work setting forecast is at +18 percent for the two quarters. Also, there is a contract: -5 points then in the beginning of the year.

Declare Twee

According to the HR organization there are two declarations for the result of the barometer. Aan de ene kant “we would like to see the number of people in the works for the next steeds on the favorable economic situation and the loonindexering that the zij in hun cost structure would have to be integrated”, says Sébastien Delfosse, managing director of ManpowerGroup BeLux. On the other hand, “neemt het structurele tekort aan arbeidskrachten toe, wardoor de ontwikkeling van onze bedrijven in gevaar komt”.

What that last betreft, gave in een enquête the ManpowerGroup organized four op de vijf workgevers in Belgium aan dat ze moeilijkheden hebben om hun vacatures in te fullen. That means the most for the Waalse works (84 percent) and the minimum for the Vlaamse (76 percent). Het wereldwijde gemiddelde was 77 percent.
