Aanval op Mexico en NAVO-exit: this is hoe Trumps tweede termijn he volgens vriend en vijand kan uitzien | Buitenland

He now wants to hear from Donald Trump, who has the opinion of the current president, Joe Biden, who is the American president, and this weekend he won the vote of the Republican party (GOP). Would you like the Americans to watch you as Trump in November? Connoisseurs expect a turbulent two-term term.

Donald Trump regularly speaks about his situation and has two different terms that he can use. The ex-president of the NAVO government wants to step up the political and military bond between the states of various North American and European countries. Tijdens an interview with the American Fox News zei hijn weer dat hij “enkel op dag één” a dictator zal zijn als hij herverkozen wordt.

The most recent ones have been spoken to as many as van Trump has been able to do in the last two years. Toen stapte hij onder sea uit the Klimaatakkoord dat in 2015 in Paris will be ondertekend en veroorzaakt hij a handelsoorlog with China. In fact, Trump is now serving as president and has a lower level of legal standing on the right bank – Trump is very conservative in his legal positions and is still in the Witte Huis zat.

Stricter wetgeving over abortion

Anti-abortus groups in the VS have seeds with the grandchildren of Trump’s previous regering plannen aan het maken zijn voor a uitgebreidere anti-abortion agenda – and the very first term in the first term. Zij will abortus in heel het land verieden.

Pro-abortion organizations that have the right to support the abortion at the state level are committed to doing so. Verder reported ‘The New York Times’ that Trump in private aan hangers verteld had a national abortusverbod na 16 weeks in stone.

Uitstap uit NAVO

Donald Trump is always painting something that is mined over NAVO. Onlangs zei hij nog dat hij Russian aanvallen op NAVO-bondgenoten die niet genoeg uitgeven aan defensie zou “aanmoedigen”.

In 2018, the bond notes “Ernstige Gevolgen” came into being as soon as possible. John Bolton, the former advisor to the American ex-president, appeared in an interview with the new site ‘Politico’ that Trump “het idea about his idea of ​​trekking with the alliance heel series” is not.

Het verlaten van de NAVO can also be seen as the congresses of this year also good news for everyone, so Trump can have a strong bond with the ambassador for the late letters in the NAVO-hoofdkwartier.

Climate atwetenschap

After eight days before Trump left the Witte House in 2021, onderzoeker’s decisions will be integrated into government reports. Also, the president’s office in 2015 in Paris will be discussed. Voorstanders are able to do this without having to worry about anything in the way of a federal climate problem.

Project 2025 – an initiative that has been developed in the spirit of a republic overwinning – is intended for other countries to take the initiative of CO₂ steeds more seriously, the Negro. Ook willen ze het wetschappelijke overheidsagentschap National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration opdoeken. Volgens Project 2025 is the “one of the most important driving forces in the climate change alarm industry”.

When this was presented, there was a large invloed hebben op hoe de regering omgaat met other hittegolven, bosbranden and overstromingen.

A country in Mexico has a name in Mexica as well as can be heard. © AFP

Aanval Mexico

Zal Trump Mexico aanvallen? At this moment it is never completely uitgesloten. Hij will de strijd aangaan tegen de verspreading van de dodelijke drug fentanyl and is already Mexican drug cartels in the valley in Mexican land area. A large republican competition is open to military action, and Trump is also in the lead. Hij speak about the stubbornness of “special troops” to Mexico and the use of “cyberoorlogvoering” from cartelleiders in the valley.

This ongetwijfeld de relation tussen de twee landen destabiliseren en suffering tot a pik in het aantal asielaanvragen aan de grens, omdat mensen aanspraak zouden kunnen op asiel in de VS als ze vluchten voor geweld.

Uitbreiding van handelsoorlogen

“America First,” according to Trump’s trade agenda. Hij zou tarieven voor buitenlandse trade willen verhogen, waarbij China opnieuw en van zijn belangrijkste doelwitten is. Trump wants to have a higher tariff invoeren op merciële goederen zoals smartphones. There will also be a four-year plan for “all Chinese imports of essential goods with fibers” and the American regulations prohibit investors in China.

Economists warn that these standards will suffer and higher prices for consumers. The real evidence that this insult is needed is from the detriment of China for national security in the perken. In 2023 Trump will no longer have the economic veiligheid gelijkstaat aan national veiligheid.

Nieuw onderwijsplan en transgenderbeleid op school

As president of Trump, he wanted to stop the “critical race theory, gender ideology of other racial groups, sexuality of politics in house” from being integrated into the text. In a video from the previous year, he showed that he had “two consequences” that he wanted to see “a kind of suggestion that he had seen in the world”.

Tijdens zijn first termijn will be started on the other hand, the transgender athletes will be able to compete in the women’s teams. The ministry of the Onderwijs is threefold to the federal financing of schollen in the trekking that the transgender abuse is overtreden. In practice this is a real no-brainer.

Various civil rights organizations make us angry about the fact that Trump is protecting the people from the world’s borders.

KIJK. Trump had the best dance moves on the national rally in South Carolina
