Aantal werkloosheidsuitkeringen at the latest level in 5 years | Inland

Het aantal werkzoekende uitkeringsjustigde completely werklozen, daalde in November dead 272,664. This is the lowest level in the world, so it is clear that the RVA is publicly available.

It is the latest level in the year and also the latest in years. The vergelijking: in 2019, 2020 and until December 2021, the amount of large-scale work was worth over 300,000 per month. The size of the year is approximately 285,475.

Also in the factory with the right to use the goods – from the pensions – there is a stronger connection to the gang. Hun aantal bedroeg in November 6,730, eveneens the lowest level in zeker vijf jaar. In 2021 there was a huge amount of 10,000 per month.
