aantal slachtoffers na Zware aardbeving in Afghanistan loopt fors op

Het oosten van Afghanistan will be midden in de night, around 01.30 a.m. local time, taken by door de aardbeving. In the province of Paktika, many 950 doden en honderden were won, reports persbureau Reuters. Also reported in the nearby provinces of Nangarhar and Khost. Local media speak daarnaast van zeker zeshonderd wounden.

The observation of the dodentally and the verder oplopen. It is possible that there will be no more mensen than what is written in the building. He also said that the local authorities nog information would be monitored from nearby Afghaanse Bergdorpen.

Afghanistan is hit by a small aardbeving.Beeld Bakhtar News Agency

The aardbeving vond plaats op about 44 kilometers away from the city of Khost in the Gelijknamige province in nabij de grens met Pakistan. The Europese Mediterrane Seismologisches Centrum (EMSC) reports that the aardbeving also has a number of people in Pakistan. In the country of Afghanistan there were no reports of being wounded.

Buitenlandse hulp

A word from the Taliban government reports that the big country is very welcome: ‘We are roepen alle hulporganaties op onmiddellijk redddingsteams naar het gebied te sturen om a bigger ramp te voorkomen.’ De regering heeft zelf al een reddingsoperatie op touw gezet, aldus de Afghaanse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, Salahuddin Ayubi. Het Land zet onder Meer helicopter in om eten en medicalijnen near the hit gebieden te brengen and wound op te halen.

Afghanistan and Pakistan have been met regularly from Aardbevingen. In 2015 there was a demand for people to live outside a building with a noise from 7.5. The mountainous South-Asiatic region is known as a seismic active area. Ongeveer 60 percent van het Indiana landoppervlak is gevoelig voor aardbevingen, het gevolg van botsingen tussen het Indiana subcontinent en de Eurasiatische landmass.
