Aantal coronabesmettingen blijft laag | Inland

The genome test (13,481) had in the period from 10 to 16 September a positivity ratio of 20.5 percent. On Saturday 16 September the reproductive value was 0.956. A cijfer warehouse then 1 wijst erop that an epidemic aan cracht afneemt. Het aantal ziekenhuisopnames voor serious acute airborne infections veroorzakt door the coronavirus blijft voorlopig laag.

All parameters of the army camp then in the week from 3 to 9 September, the 2,707 new corona levels will be vastly recorded in Belgium.

The control of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 is determined via the water supply. The concentration of the virus is measured at 41 water supply installations, with 45 percent of the population of Belgium covered. “Over the heel genomen zijn de virale loaden op en gematigd level en nemen ze af,” sounds the sound from the Sciensano. In Wallonië there is no viral burden on the world.

Also there are a lot of infections with influenza and RSV at the base level, but the report from the Gezondheidsinstituut is also visible.
