Aanslag Brussel: man (44) the opgepakt will be placed for mogelijke link with wapen van Lassoued onder aanhoudingsbevel | Inland

The weekend will be oppacked in the squad of the onderzoek naar de aanslag in Brussel, is placed outside the onderzoeksrechter onder aanhoudingsbevel. This is reported to the federal park. The 44-year-old was suspected of being a molestation and was forced to take the oorlogswapen from his father Abdesalem Lassoued (45) on the ground.

The 44-year-old man, Lamjed K., was convicted of being killed and killed in a terrorist context and the name of the activities of a terrorist organization.

In the federal park, there is a temporary link with the oorlogswapen waarmee Lassoued zijn slachtoffers doodschoot. It also comes with an American AR-15. This weapon has become extremely popular over the years and is now available as a semi-automatic “sports rifle”. The fire can be done at a faster pace.

KIJK. Beelden tonen hoe Lassoued with a oorlogswapen door de straten van Brussel rijdt

During the week there will be two houses in the area, one in Tongeren and one in Tervuren. Lamjed K. will be packaged in Tervuren. The man, who is empty, has to take a photo of an AR-15 on the lassoed raised arm. Tijdens zijn verhoor heeft de suspicions toegegeven dat hij Lassoued kent, maar hijontkent dat hij iets met de aanslag te maken heeft.


The 45-year-old Abdesalem Lassoued, a Muslim extremist from Tunisia, was shot on Monday 16 October and 19 a.m. two two football supporters dood in the center of Brussels and also a young person. The shooting party began a knock-out yacht on the father, which was sent to the skies in a film on social media.

Dinsdagochtend 17 October schoot de politie de extremist, voor like Tunisia eerder al one uitleveringsverzoek had uitgevaardigd, neer in a café in Schaarbeek. The assistance services tried out the Lassoued and were reanimated, but they were overleed in the ziekenhuis.

KIJK. “Dader van aanslag Brussel used Amerikaans oorlogswapen”
