Aake Kalliala is recovering from the accident – the consequences are still visible

Aake Kalliala has returned to work, although the accident last autumn is still causing trouble.

Aake Kalliala was supposed to star in the film Mindburst in Search of an Escort, but the injury forced him to leave the role aside. ATTE KAJOVA

Actor Aake Kallialan, 71, the summer has begun to be full despite the challenges of last year. The actor, who had a serious accident in the autumn, now tells Iltalehti that recovering from the injury has been a long process.

The paralysis relied on a hair’s breadth in an accident at the turn of August-September, and now months later, Kalliala says that her neck was still angry at the fall.

– Not the same or will ever be, I don’t know. It’s a long-term thing, Kalliala says of her recovery.

Aake Kalliala plans to retire to Mikkeli Cottage when the work is in the summer. Ari Manninen

– Yes, you can live with it. There is nothing to worry about, the actor assures.

The accident was also preceded by Korona, who fell ill in July and made Kalliala almost incapacitated. As recently as August, he said he was in good condition.

Great tuning

Despite adversity, Kalliala has been employed in the descriptions of the new project since the early summer. According to Kalliala, the Poromafia series, which will be shot in northern Lapland, has “all sorts of twists and turns”.

– It’s a pretty cool tune, Kalliala mysteriously sheds light on her future role.

The descriptions of the series are in the jar by midsummer. After that, there are plans to retire to the cottage in Mikkeli, because he is already retired, the actor reminds.

– Then we are at ease, Kalliala says.

The accident happened at the same cottage in Mikkeli last autumn, when Kalliala was preparing places for the descriptions of the Maria Veitola night village program. He then stepped off the pier and fell on his necks in the water.

Aake Kalliala has filmed the Poromafia series in Northern Lapland. Ari Manninen

Due to an injury and a long sick leave, Kalliala had to leave her role A psychic in search of an escort in the movie. The filming was already well under way at the time of the accident, as the scenes in Finland had already been filmed.

He was replaced by Tarmo’s brother Kari Väänänen. Kalliala said at the time that giving up the role caused great annoyance.

– You would think that the quota for misfortune would be full for this year, Kalliala told Iltalehti soon after the accident.

Aake Kalliala is a long-time actor who is remembered for the television series Kotikatu and the sketch series Pulttibois. He lives in Mikkeli with his Hönö dog.
