Aaf Brandt Corstius and Marc-Marie Huijbregts in conflict with each other

Aaf Brandt Corstius and Marc-Marie Huijbregts got into serious conflict with each other last month, during their summer vacation. It almost marked the end of their successful podcast.


They have been making a podcast together for over a year and a half now: Aaf Brandt Corstius and Marc-Marie Huijbregts. That has always gone well, but last month, during their summer vacation, things broke out. Aaf started very dominantly on his own to send all kinds of emails to the company they work for and he was quite annoyed about that.

“Well, well, say”

Aaf and Marc-Marie discuss it extensively in the latest episode of their podcast, the theme of which is – how could it be otherwise – ‘e-mail’. “We had a little bit of trouble when I was on vacation. I got an e-mail from you from below, so to speak. That I thought: well, well, say,” said the comedian.

The columnist then: “Do we have to explain all this now? You thought I hadn’t sent such a nice e-mail.”

‘And others’

The conflict in a nutshell? Aaf and Marc-Marie had received an application for their podcast, probably something related to sponsorship that they wanted to think about. Aaf didn’t like it right away, let Marc-Marie know that too, but wanted to think about it for a while.

When Aaf was out, she sent an email to the podcast company they work for. “You sent that email to Titus, the director of Tonny Media, ‘and others,’ it said. Then I turned out to be one of those ‘others’”, says Marc-Marie.

About the piss

Marc-Marie was really all over the place. “I didn’t like that very much. I had then said, ‘All fine, but a little weird that I’m one of the others’. I didn’t mean that I found the salutation difficult, but that I thought you should have told me something before that.”

Marc-Marie believes that he and Aaf should first discuss as a team, before anything is fed back to the company they work for. “Then you got a bottom-up e-mail, like I don’t really know you at all.”

walking on eggshells

Why was Aaf slaughtering her colleague like that by email? Aaf: “Why I got angry is because I thought: oh, do I have to walk on eggshells all the time and pay attention to who I do and don’t address, and take all sensitivities into account. That’s why I got angry.”

Marc-Marie: “It’s not the shape that bothers me.”

Aaf: “No, you found it annoying that I didn’t send you a separate email first.”

Marc-Marie: “Yes, and that the two of us then send an email from the two of us saying: gosh, we’re not going to do it in the end.”

‘It’s always fine’

It all escalated terribly. Marc-Marie: “Yes, I would end my e-mail with: ‘Fine, it’s always fine anyway.’ That’s a joke, of course. And then you say (put on a witch-like voice, ed.): ‘Yes, of course you shouldn’t say prima if it isn’t true.’ Then I think: well, well, well.”

Aaf: “Yes, I was really grumpy.”

Marc-Marie: “I called you then. I thought: it’s nice that we hear each other. Otherwise it will go from bad to worse.”

After five minutes of calling, Aaf and Marc-Marie are okay again. In this way they managed to prevent an abrupt end to their successful podcast Marc-Marie & Aaf Vinden Something.


Aaf and Marc-Marie about their heated summer conflict:
