Aa en Hunze makes a profit of almost 7 million euros

Aa en Hunze saved 6.9 million euros last year. The municipality owes the profit, among other things, to more income from the government. The Municipal Executive proposes to add 1.5 million euros of this to the general reserve.

The municipality says that the profit of millions is caused by ‘the general benefit, pensions of aldermen, the compensation for the reception of Ukrainian refugees and the release of budgets’. The latter is because certain activities have been completed or are no longer being carried out. Part of the budget will be transferred to next year.

The largest part of the profit, 4.7 million euros, will go to various ‘appropriated reserves’, including a new reserve to be formed for ‘risk management and real estate’. This is used, among other things, for the renovation and furnishing of the reception location in Papenvoort.

Alderman Kiena ten Brink is happy with the black figures, but refuses to count herself rich. “All municipalities face major financial challenges in the near future.” By this, the alderman is referring to the fact that the government is turning off the money tap further. In municipal circles, therefore, people talk about ‘the ravine’ from 2026. “This result does give us a buffer and that is of course always a nice boost,” says Ten Brink.

The city council will discuss the annual accounts on June 29.
