Aa and Hunze is out and appoints three aldermen

Municipal interests, VVD and PvdA have reached an agreement in the municipality of Aa and Hunze. Ivo Berghuis (Municipality Interests), Bas Luinge (VVD) and Kieta ten Brink (PvdA) will be the aldermen.

The agreement ‘Continuing to work together’ states that the coalition parties want to seek cooperation with the other groups. Just like healthcare, the economy and quality of life, the provision of services to residents and businesses is an important issue.

Formateur Henk Herijerman says that the coalition will build on the past four years, but that new accents will be added here and there. “The three parties continue to work on making our municipality even more beautiful, lively and sustainable,” says Heijerman.

The three aldermen will be nominated for appointment next Thursday at the council meeting of the municipality. Then the agreement and the report of the formateur will also be discussed. The council meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
